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博格思明星师资 | 享誉加州百里挑一的学科专家,快来认识他们!(理

文章来源:未知         发布时间:2019-07-18 14:27



Jonathan Schembari
加州大学欧文分校 硕士 
加州大学欧文分校 学士 

Jonathan Schembari在Canyons Middle College 高中教授数学课,创建俱乐部:数学、象棋、棋类游戏、电子游戏等。 



Nicole Borja
加州州立大学富勒顿分校 文科学习专业本科学位 

Borja老师在加州的北圣地亚哥郡长大。她本科毕业于加州州立大学富勒顿分校文科学习专业,她同时也取得了加州州立大学圣马科斯分校授予的数学老师教师资格证。她之前曾执教于加州卡尔斯巴德地区的Aviara Oaks中学,以及加州维斯塔地区的的Vista Innovation and Design学院。在这些学校工作期间,她不仅是学生的老师,同时也为他们规划未来的学业。Borja老师非常兴奋能加入到博格思,帮助学生们发挥他们最大的潜能,升入到理想的大学。她很期待能继续她的教育旅程,和学生一起追逐梦想。 

Lindsey Tharaldson
B.S., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Lindsey Tharaldson老师在南加州出生并长大。她2003年毕业于加州州立理工大学圣路易斯分校科学系,专业为生态学和系统生物学。她还持有加州生物科学的教师资格证。Lindsey Tharaldson老师目前正在攻读教育科技领袖方向的研究生。Lindsey Tharaldson老师有长达十年的中学科学授课经验,近两年,她也为北京的学生提供英语远程教学。


Lindsey Tharaldson was born and raised in Southern California. She graduated in 2003 from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ecology and Systematic Biology. She holds a California Teaching Credential in Biological Sciences. She is currently in the process of earning a Master's degree in Educational Technology Leadership. Mrs. Tharaldson has taught secondary science for 10 years. For the past two years she has taught English to students in Beijing through an online platform.  

Mrs. Tharaldson is married and has two children in elementary school. As a family, they have visited five continents and lived for several years in South and Central America. In addition to traveling, they enjoy playing games together, reading, and exploring nature. Mrs. Tharaldson is thrilled to be embarking on a new adventure in China and is honored to be a part of the Pegasus California School team!

Kathy Dao
M.A., Arizona State University
B.S., University of California, Riverside


Ms. Dao graduated with honors from the University of California, Riverside with a Bachelor’s of Science in Medical Biology in 2008.  Then spurred on with her love for teaching she obtained her teaching credential from California State University, San Bernardino and passed the California Single Subject Test in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in 2009.  Recently in 2017 she completed a Masters of Natural Science degree with a concentration in Physics 
Education from Arizona State University, where she completed a thesis project on how Ranking Tasks can help increase students’ conceptual understanding of basic mechanical concepts.  Ms. 

Dao firmly believes that Physics can be accessible to all students.  She has been teaching high school Physics and AP Physics in the Val Verde Unified School District for 8 years.  Outside of teaching, her hobbies include reading, writing, baking, and traveling to spend time with family. She is excited teach in Qingdao and is excited to meet PCS students!

Kara Ann Merancy
博格思实验室助教 & 代课老师
M.A. University of Bridgeport
B.S., DeSales University



Greetings Everyone!  My name is Kara and I could not be more excited to join the Pegasus family.  Here is a little bit about me: I was born and raised in Nau-gatuck, Connecticut, USA. 

I graduated from DeSales University (located in Center Valley, Pennsylvania, USA) with a Bachelor’s of Science in both Chemistry and Biochemistry.  During my tenor, there I presented my undergraduate research at two different International American-can Chemical Society’s Conferences. Soon after graduation I worked as both a formulations chemist and an analytical chemist for companies such as Unilever, Cookson Electronics, and Sun Products (now part of Henkel).

Always having a passion for teaching I graduated from the University of Bridgeport with a Masters in Science of Education concentrated in Secondary Science Education.  Upon graduation, I have not looked back! Teaching has helped me share my love and passion for Science which I am excited to share with all of you! I also love to dance, being a student for 15 years and a dance teacher for 5. Just as dance is a passion of mine so is travel. I have been to Canada, Italy, Greece, Poland, and Finland! I cannot wait to be able to explore more of the world!

Joseph Park   
B.A., University of New Hampshire
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

约瑟夫·帕克(Joseph Park)是一位数学和音乐老师,在过去的9年里,他曾在康涅狄格州和新罕布什尔州职教。他曾就读于马萨诸塞州伍斯特理工学院,学习机械工程。约瑟夫是2018年发表的一篇研究论文的合著者,该论文评估了将基于项目的学习和现实世界的问题融入课堂教学的有效性。除了在数学方面,他还是一位多才多艺的音乐家和音乐教师。他曾参与过多个爵士乐队、管弦乐队和音乐剧的演出。在备受尊敬的小号演奏家罗杰·英格拉姆(Roger Ingram)的专辑《罗杰·英格拉姆的藏身处》(Roger Ingram Live at the College Hideaway, 2014)和《云雀》(Skylark, 2015)中,他都是长号的主要演奏者。无论是与年轻学生、同龄人,还是更年长、更有经验的教育家和表演者合作,约瑟夫总是乐于分享他的知识并看到他人的创造力。  

Joseph Park is a math and music educator, who has taught math in Connecticut and New Hampshire for the past 9 years.  He studied mechanical engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts.  Joseph is a co-author for a research paper published in 2018, evaluating the effectiveness of adding project based learning and real world problems into the classroom. In addition to math education, he is an accomplished musician and music instructor.  He has performed with several jazz bands, orchestras, and pits for musicals. He can be heard as the lead trombone player on esteemed trumpet player Roger Ingram’s albums Roger Ingram Live at the College Hideaway (2014), and Skylark (2015).  Whether it’s working with young students, peers, or older more experienced educators and performers, Joseph has always enjoyed sharing his knowledge and seeing the creativity that follows in the hands of others.  

Rob Taylor  
M.Ed., University of Alaska  
B.A., Loma Linda University  


Rob joins Pegasus after several years in science research and 35 years in education as a science teacher and school administrator. He earned his B.A. in Chemistry from Loma Linda University and holds an M.Ed. in educational leadership from the University of Alaska, Anchorage. He loves teaching students because it is fun presenting them with problems, organizing the thought process, and hearing them present and defend possible solutions. In his 
free time, Rob enjoys his family, cooking, conducting research, and martial arts.